““The Sacred (R)evolution® Oracle is a powerful tool for healing, transformation and deep dives through the cosmos. Lainie Love Dalby is a beacon of transformational magic, beauty and wonder. The otherworldly, shamanic art and energy in this deck is a must for anyone in our community of lightworkers who wishes to expand their consciousness. Lainie herself is an Oracle — what a gift that she is sharing her spiritual oracular medicine with us. Each card in the deck is itself a temple.””
We are in such a collective cauldron of uncertainty at this time and needing to tune into our sacred center and still point within. During such deep pockets of uncertainty, oracle decks, tarot and divination are some of the most powerful sacred tools we have to THRIVE and to tap into Divine guidance.
That's why Transformational Catalyst, Shamanic Healing Artist and Bestselling Author, Lainie Love Dalby has teamed up with the Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy to create the multi-media and multidimensional Sacred (R)evolution® Oracle Deck at this most crucial time in human history! The first edition of the oracle is already in 22 countries and all 50 states and now we’re expanding around the globe with this second edition featuring 3 new added cards!
This is the first oracle deck of its kind since it comes with an interactive portal to accompany the deck & guidebook. It’s a choose your own adventure journey where each of the 52 cards comes with a guided sacred practice that ranges from ritual & ceremony, to ecstatic embodied movement, to shamanic journeys, to potent visualizations and more that you’ll be personally guided through in videos, Mp3s and live transmissions!
“I just got your oracle card deck in the mail and WOW!!!
Stunning and powerful.
Your artistry and magic are felt so powerfully.
I so appreciate and admire your intention to the little felt embodied experiential details and the beauty and sacredness that radiate from the deck.
Thank you for creating this. I’m so excited to work with this deck. Also it’s my first circular deck :)”
This oracle deck is a multidimensional portal of healing, re-membrance, and transformation filled with sacred and holy transmissions embedded with deep magic, mythic mystery, ancient wisdom, light codes and oracular wisdom for the ancient future.
Within it, we are holding space for you to come home to yourself, your soul essence, your wholeness, and remember who you truly are and why you're here.
Overall, this oracle deck is a deep & holy RE-wilding root healing journey. It is an individual and collective soul retrieval, calling all parts of ourselves back home now.
Like the Buddhist Tonglen Meditation, it is transmuting the poisons and darkness in our world into medicine. And it is a reminder on how to reclaim our original power and inherent divinity as well as reawaken the body as a portal to our power.
Plus, each he(art) work is encoded with wisdom that is unlocked through oracular practice where Lainie channeled messages from each of the images that came through. You’ll be receiving direct divine transmissions of the evolutionary mutation we’re undergoing and opening to be transfigured by potent light codes, holy vibrational patterns and cosmic resonant frequencies.
Each of the 52 cards will offer cosmic shamanic archetypal transmissions to support your personal awakening as well as ignite Galactic Gaia Unity consciousness in our world for the ascension of humanity.
All of the shamanic healing art pieces will be birthed with light language transmissions, crystal medicine, codes for the New Earth, and prayers and intentions as they are created for deep personal and planetary transmutation.
This Deck!!! THIS DECK!!! Is SOOOOOOOO Powerfully beautiful stunning, enlightening and activating.
My whole being lit up when I opened the box! Bowing down in deep DEEP Reverence to you human & Divine self and Soul and to all your Divine & Earthly Co-Creators for this incredible activation.
I am inspired beyond words and worlds and cannot wait to dive in. Deeply!!”
“The Sacred Revolution oracle by Oracular Astrologer, Lainie Love Dalby is a glorious thing. I’ve spent hours, with a literal magnifying glass, pouring over this art, these tiny portals to mighty places, just to see EVERYTHING that’s in them. It’s a sassy, sexy, nourishing deck.
Round, hot pink edges, collage art, big magic, and even bigger work to do. The deck has five sections to help you “spiral into your center and access your deepest truths”- Re-member - Re-wild - Re-weave - Re-turn - Re-birth
The deck also includes channeled messages, keywords, medicine guides, and an interactive portal that offers videos or mp3’s for each other 52 cards. I’ve spent thirty minutes just now trying to find the right word for it, and I keep returning to one.
Lush. This deck is an invitation to explore the lushness of all of me. And all of you.
This is the time of the great alchemical transmutation of humanity and we're your magical allies on this choose your own adventure immersion.
The Sacred (R)evolution® Oracle is laid out into 5 different sections to help you spiral into your center and access your deepest truths … to support you in coming home to essence & igniting your life purpose.
Re-member: Coming Home to the Body
Re-wild: Coming Home to Mother Earth
Re-weave: Coming Home to our Human Family
Re-turn: Coming Home to the Web of All Life
Re-birth: Coming Home to Your Authentic Star Power
Begin anywhere! Know that everything is an invitation here, and there’s no way you can do it wrong (just like in Qoya Movement, which you’ll get to experience in the Interactive Portal)...
Each of the 52 Cards Comes With:
Keywords to spark your imagination, intuition, & inner wisdom - think of them as mini lightning catalysts, where you’ll find both the high vibration Sparkling Essence & the dense vibration Shadow Aspect for each
A Channeled Message from the art itself, unlocked through oracular practice & the flow of cosmic creation. This is an opportunity for direct embodiment of the archetypal energies in the card utilizing the I AM presence.
Divinatory Meaning of the oracle card with a unique directive invitation to inspire you & bullet-pointed Spirit action steps you can take to make it practical in your life to bring about true transformation. Each invitation ends with a depth inquiry question to evoke your own inner wisdom, guidance & self agency.
Medicine Guides are Soul support & Spirit guides from the Web of ALL Life that you can call on for additional guidance on your journey: including God/desses, animals, crystals, flowers, plants, holy oils, astrological energies, star systems, color associations, chakras, offerings from the Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy and more.
An Ecstatic Embodiment Practice or Healing Ritual on the interactive portal to help you deepen with, anchor and integrate the medicine of the card into your Being and bring it back home into the body. These guided practices will help you step into the fullest embodiment of the oracle & its expansive energies as well as one of the distinct Spirit action steps. This is your chance to heal, grow, play and transform at a whole new level. Each card comes with a guided sacred practice that ranges from ritual & ceremony, to ecstatic embodied movement, to shamanic journeys, to expressive arts, to potent visualizations and more!
The cards are 4.33" in Diameter, printed on premium heavyweight card stock and emblazoned on the back with gold foil and the box is also gold embossed!
“When your deck first arrived, and every time I go to it, I get beautiful energy and goosebumps all over. I had a beautiful initiation ceremony with them that deeply opened me up on a cellular level. I was shown that even when I will be traveling far and long, this is my deck to bring.
Each card is a PORTAL! I love the card layouts. Love the symbols. love the embodiment practices. love the energy. And I know there is no limit to how deep this deck can take you into wholeness and ecstasy. Thank you dear sister for this beautiful tool, and for the magic it will bring to our lives!
Some of the themes that ARE explored in the oracle cards:
the great homecoming
liberation for ALL
sacredness and reverence
coming into right relationship
following divine guidance
the decolonizing journey
tapping into our intuition
exquisite lovemaking to life itself
blissful ecstatic existence
healing the shadow as well as karmic wounds & ancestral baggage
slowing down to feel more
reclaiming our sovereign seat of power
alchemical healing
self love and soul care
honoring our sacred body temple
unleashing our full creative capacities
tapping into our sexual power & Shakti life force
awakening the inner heart fire
the medicine of elementals & crystals as well as plant cosmic energies
sacred reconnection & the art of belonging
bringing our deepest gifts in service to the world and unleashing our SHAMELESS Sparkle!
Some names of cards are: Keeper of Life, Death & Rebirth Mysteries, Re-wilding Your Primal Nature, Mycelial WebWalker, Own Your Sexual Power, Visionary Eye Awakening, and The Sacred Union of our Humanity & Divinity
“This deck is unbelievably delicious and powerful and is going to help so many, including myself, to walk the edge with language, understanding, and courage.””
The Art of Divination is a process of finding meaning in symbols or patterns, especially in times of great uncertainty.
It is a communication with higher consciousness & guidance. The he(art) work on each card is a prayer, deep healing, & communion with the Divine. It’s accessing an endless well of colorful textured language from the mysterious realm of the soul. Each sacred offering is a clue to the truth of who we are, leading us closer to ourselves and why we’re here at this time. It’s an opportunity for us to take an individual journey into our inner landscapes, bringing forth our deepest expressions of wholeness and the embodied truth felt deep in our bones. It’s welcoming all parts of ourselves home, surrendering to the mystery, and safely entering into the darkness and the shadow.
It’s merging spirit and earth through cosmic creation.
The archetypal transmissions in the Sacred (R)evolution oracle can be read in many ways, depending on what you’d like to receive from it. Though there are several guided card layout spreads suggested in the guidebook. Each has its own unique sacred geometry and symbology to support you in deepening into YOU!
To begin, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the deck by setting sacred space and breathing your own life and energy into it. Set an intention of how you'd like to journey with the deck and what you'd like to receive from it. You can add it to your altar, smudge it to clear the energy or anoint it with holy oil if you feel called to any of those sacred practices. Use your intuition and instincts to do what feels best in your body. Know that it's all an invitation, and if you're not sure what to do, there will be guided videos and suggestions for you in the Interactive Portal if you choose that perk!
Notice which cards or channeled messages resonate with you most? Be in communion with the deck as a living sacred talisman and it will serve as a deep companion for the journey ahead into 2021 and beyond.
It's time to become intimate with yourself, each other and all of life. We invite you to step into the vibrational pulsing light web of the Universe and our deep interconnection and interBeing.
If you’re ready to break the chains of patriarchy, to come home to your body and our Great Mother and to remember who you truly are, then this oracle deck adventure is for you!!
You are gorgeous, radiant stardust and a powerful sorceress of Divine Light. I want to help you reclaim that fact within these pages and oracle cards and to help guide you to co-create your life as a great masterpiece for the good of all. The great cosmic masterpiece is just waiting for your unique stroke and your #SOULSPARKLE!
TOGETHER we are igniting a Sacred (R)evolution of love and reverence for our bodies, each other, the earth and the great Web of Life so we can dream & co-create a new world into Being!
See you inside the (r)evolutionary journey, Beloved!
We are now in a time of alchemizing and shedding like the snake the violent patriarchal, white supremacist ways of Being that have been deeply harming us and the very soul of humanity.
It’s time to unhook from the predatory society that has wounded us and to heal the lineage pain and abuse in ourselves and our family blood lines so that we can reclaim our wild free spirits and sovereignty, Sparkling SHAMELESSLY once again! It’s time to allow our spiritual magnificence to come forth, our soul essence, the reality and raw truth of who we are. It’s time to deliver our unique #SOULSPARKLE and medicine that only we can bring to the world. It's time to return to and heal our ROOTS.
This Sacred (R)evolution Oracle is a wake up call.
We have the opportunity to help change the tides now, to shift the consciousness of humanity to one of unity, to come back to the heart of what matters most, to remember that only love is real.
Our wild, untamed nature and the wisdom of our bodies are calling us … calling us to step into our innate power and untapped potential so we can ARISE.
This oracle deck is remembering a path that will bring us home. That will reunite us to what is holy, true, and filled with love. It is our deep prayer that this book will help you soar, Beloved.
We invite you to step inside the inner journey within this oracle deck and:
Honor the force of nature you are
Receive deep nourishment & support for your individual journey & the greater good of the whole
Engage in profound soul searching & deep inner work for these times of global crisis we face
Purify your sacred vessel as a channel for spirit to pour through out in the world
Call back your power and come into greater wholeness
Journey into and channel your moral outrage and deep well of compassion
Embrace your Sacred No & embodied YES
Clear the blocks to Full Sovereignty
Tap into you Your luminous, wildly radiant, gorgeous, powerful, magnificent, courageous & sacred self
Learn to channel your inner Burning Woman for primordial power & radiance
Unlock your super powers and deliver them to meet the world's deepest needs
Become a wise and wholly ecstatic embodied leader
Co-create your life as a great masterpiece and Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® in the world for the good of all
Hold a higher frequency & vibration as you walk as LOVE in the world
We have a Wild Divinity within us just waiting to be unleashed on the world, Beloved! it’s time for a Sacred (R)evolution and Great Homecoming!
This deck is the first of it’s kind since it’s multi-media, multi-dimensional. It’s a deep soul adventure in a box! We are roaming into unknown territory and blazing a new trail and we hope that you’ll come along with us!
If you’re not able to contribute at this time, there’s still ways to be in support if you feel called to share the LOVE & help ignite the Sacred (R)evolution!!!
Share the love with all the awesome tools for you here, including done for you social media posts, emails and more! https://bit.ly/oraclebuzzsquad
Send this to one person you love right now! Connect into the light web!
Join our mailing list for your free #SOULSPARKLE Starter Kit to start the adventure today
Find out more about the Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy HERE.